2023-04-05 15:40:11
Spanson . i rJ C.C ( Arneham 10 of ;le IG AON 4,6-) o 0.19.1~1: ~ibee1.10 Mbana 12r II E3 loitte. 1 Ias, Go gle CIO AON k V 1 The American Chamber of Commerce in Portugal 2nd Transatlantic Business Summit In the face of looming uncertainty, the EU and the US must unite to overcome complex and intertwined global challenges. Through the Trade and Technology Council, cooperation on both sidesof the Atlantic is picking up steam. However, with war ravaging Ukraine and the ongoing energy crisis, the externai environment remains difficult. At the Transatlantic Business Conference 2022 national and internacional movers and shaker deep dived into the issues that top the agenda for companies and investors doing business between the United States, Europe and Portugal. PHOTOS APAGUIM PORTUGAL ,Ç50, ira nsat1 et It Businekb S um m AmCham Portugal President, António Martins da Costa. AICEP President, Luís Flipe Castro Henriques. Panei People: José Manuel Leonardo, CEORanstad Portugal; Ligia Cabeçadas, Director of RH, IBM Portugal; Manuel Maria Correia, MD DXC Portugal; Paulo Teixeira, Country Manager, Pfizer. Panei Supply Chain- Distribution and Logistia and Enegy: José FerrariCaretg Board President,E REDES; Nu no Rangel, CEO and VP, Rebe ca Neff, Deputy Chief of Mission, US Em bassy. Rangel LogisticsSolutions;lbomas HegelGunther,Plant Manager and Chairman of the Board of Directors of VW Auto Europa. a 1, Luizde Mello - Director of the Policy Studies Branch in the Economia Panei Digital Transition: Nkk Parikh, Chief of Portugal (Economic Section), US Embassy; Honoré Nyuyse, Technkal Manager, US Office of Scienceand Department of the OECD Eng ineering; Anna Barker, Lisbon Custo me r Experience Director CISCO; Pedro Lomba, Partner PLMJ., Pedro Barbosa, Director Multicert & SIBSCybenvatch.